원문 링크 : http://na.lolesports.com/season3/allstar/articles/north-america-vs-china-matchup



North America versus China will be an incredibly exciting matchup for a variety of reasons. First, the winner of this match is guaranteed to send the No. 1 team from their region straight into the Quarterfinals of the Season 3 Playoffs, while the losing region risks having all their teams start in the Group Stage. Second, it's one of the rare occasions where we will get to watch how the play styles of different regions clash.

For the past few months, North American League of Legends has revolved around objectives. Every lane matchup, gank, and kill has been in hopes of stealing away a Golem, destroying a Turret, or securing control of the Dragon. We see the most inventive lane setups in the North American scene. Sending the AD Carry and Support to the mid lane (only to have the Support roam around and put extra pressure elsewhere) is not uncommon. Individual players become huge playmakers and teammates revolve around them when it's time for teamfights.

Meanwhile, Chinese play at the top tier revolves around rampant aggression and forced engagements. The players are so skilled individually that they will never die unless someone comes out of nowhere and upsets the odds. Champions like Malphite, Hecarim, Volibear, Diana, Zac, and Twisted Fate see play almost every single game. If it can force a battle, it's likely to be seen in a Champion Select screen. In a way, Chinese play feels like the more evolved version of the North American playstyle: Pick up kills out of nowhere and take down a turret with the resulting numbers advantage.

What really shakes up this match is the individual play aspect. The Americans tend to split push a lot more. If the Chinese can only engage with two-minute long ultimate cooldowns, what will they do the rest of the game? Will they relinquish the map? Simply defeat their opponents in one-on-one combat? That's what's likely to determine who wins the matches here.

NA LCS Player to Watch: Scarra
Scarra's ability to make individual plays is amazing. Preferring high-mobility high-impact champions like Diana, Gragas, and Evelynn, when Scarra gets going he tends to carry his team. Most importantly, his champion pool is in direct competition with the favored Chinese style of play: He can take away champions like Diana to engage on his own terms, or roll with Gragas and Evelynn, who can completely wreck a team on a counter-engage

CN Tencent LPL Player to Watch: WeiXiao
It's hard to pick anyone other than the man most players call "The best AD Carry in the world." This is a player who's had to adapt to a world where a Malphite or Hecarim is trying to dive him in almost every single game. The ability to survive and even thrive in such an environment is impressive to say the least. Most importantly, he needs to out-scale and out-perform the North American AD Carry, Doublelift. If the Chinese team can have a more impressive late-game threat, there won't be much breathing room for the competition.

-(유럽한국쪽도마찬가지긴 하지만..)이 매치를 이기는 팀은 시즌3 월챔에서 자신의 지역 1위팀이 상위라운드를 직행할 수 있고, 지는 팀은 해당지역팀이 전부 그룹스테이지를 통과해야할지도 모르는 리스크를 갖게되기때문에 중요함.
-북미는 최근 보다 강력한 맵장을 위해 봇듀오를 미드로 보낸다거나 버프스틸 타워 드래곤등의 목표들을 중요시하는 플레이 위주로 돌아갔음
-반면 중국의 정상급 티어들은 끊임없는 공격성과 강요되는 교전들을 중심으로 돌아갔음. 다이애나 말핏 헤카림 볼리베어 트페 등등 교전을 강요하는 픽이 선호됨. 마치 북미 스타일이 진화된 듯한 버전임. (갑작스럽게 킬을 따내고 그걸 바탕으로 타워 등의 이득을 취함)
(((개인적으로 중국은 특유의 파밍이 돋보인다는 montechristo의 의견이 더 알맞는거 같습니다만 프릭은 위같이 적었습니다))
-개개인의 기량이 이게임의 관건일거라고 함. 북미는 스플릿푸쉬를 더 선호하는 편이고 중국은 효과적인 궁쿨이 다 차있는 타이밍이 아니면 교전을 꺼리기에 쿨이도는 중간중간사이에 선수들 개개인간의 기량이 중요할 거라는 듯.


Posted by 가우너