'Biology'에 해당되는 글 50건
- 2012.06.08 Highly tumorigenic lung cancer CD133+ cells display stem-like features and are spared
- 2012.05.14 RNA extraction
- 2012.05.14 Isolation of immune cells from human peripheral blood
- 2012.05.11 쥐 정자 수 및 형태 검사 실험
- 2012.05.10 Gelatin- zymography (for MMP Analysis)
- 2012.05.09 MN(micronucleus) assay
- 2012.05.02 Fibulin-3 is uniquely upregulated in malignant gliomas and promotes tumor cell motility and invasion
- 2012.04.30 ALDH(Aldehyde dehydrogenase), retinol, retinoic acid
- 2012.04.27 암 관련 용어 (the language of cancer)
- 2012.04.24 Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1 Is a Tumor Stem cell-associated marker in lung cancer
- 2012.04.17 Wnt/b-catenin signaling in cancer stemness and malignant behavior
- 2012.03.22 Mesenchymal stem cells in the colorectal tumor microenvironment
- 2012.03.13 피불린
- 2012.03.06 Epitehlial mesenchymal transition and lung cancer
- 2012.02.08 쥐를 실험용으로 많이 쓰는 이유
- 2012.02.06 종양줄기세포 관련 유사과제 조사 및 차별성 확인(NTIS)
- 2012.01.31 암치료를 위한 세포 노화 활용 / 항암제 저항성 회피
- 2012.01.26 종양줄기세포 개념 정리
- 2012.01.26 전립선암 "주범" 찾았다. (기사)2010-08-01
- 2012.01.16 DNA repair pathways as targets for cancer therapy