원문링크: http://na.lolesports.com/season3/allstar/articles/europe-vs-korea-matchup-0




Like all the matchups in All-Star Weekend, this duel is stacked with talent. For Korea, they have players hailing from four different teams. Shy and Madlife are both members of CJ Entus Frost, who finished 2nd place at the Season 2 World Championships and have appeared in three straight OGN Champions finals. Insec got voted in as the ‘carry’ Jungler from KT Rolster B, and Ambition and Pray round out the lineup. The European team, on the other hand, has three members of longtime powerhouse Gambit BenQ, with Evil Geniuses’ Yellowpete on AD Carry and sOAZ from Fnatic in Top Lane.

The European team may aim to play like an improved Gambit BenQ, since they have the core of the team with Alex Ich in Mid, EDward on Support, and Diamond coming out of the jungle. The other two members need only to adapt to the Russian play-style for the team to flourish. Luckily for the EU all-stars, Yellowpete shares the same champion roster as Genja, Gambit’s starting AD Carry. Then we have sOAZ in the Top Lane; he’s an immensely versatile player who can adapt to any strategy, and this will be the match to show if the EU team mimics Gambit’s usual playstyle, or tries something new. The biggest adjustment that Gamb… er, the EU all-star team has to make is playing the game in English instead of Russian. Devoted fans of Gambit know that EDward and Diamond are actually quite proficient in English, even if they prefer to interview in their native language, so we’ll have to wait and see how much of an obstacle the language barrier actually presents.

The Korean all-stars will have a lot of choices to make when deciding their play-style against the European threat. Shy, Ambition, and Insec are all used to taking the coveted “free lane farm” in their teams, a term which refers to the large minion waves that build up in mid-late game. Shy, Insec, and Ambition are routinely the most farmed players in a game, in large part to the farm that their team gives them. But in an all-star roster, they may be forced to adjust to lower farm play-styles while they decide who they want to designate as the true carry for their team. Looking at player potential alone, the Korean team is absolutely loaded. Every member is a playmaker for their respective teams in Korea, so they may be able to out-aggress the EU all-stars and take this first matchup quickly.

EU Player to Watch: Paul "sOAZ" Boyer (Fnatic)
sOAZ was involved in the closest European all-star vote, winning by only .01% over EG’s Wickd and due in no small part to his victory over his rival in a streamed 1v1 best of five. Even though the game rarely features 1v1 matchups in side lanes anymore, his champion pool and versatility will be what defines the EU all-stars from the typical Gambit BenQ lineup.

KR Player to Watch: Hong "MadLife" Min-gi (Korea Champions Team)
Referred to as "God" by his Korean fans, Madlife received an overwhelming 80% of the vote in his region. He is respected as the best Blitzcrank, Thresh, Sona, and Alistar player in Korea, and expectations could not be higher for Madlife, even though he will need to adapt to a new AD Carry in Pray.

-겜빗의 핵심멤버3명(미드 알렉스이치, 정글 다이아몬드, 서폿 에드워드) + 옐로피트(겐자와 챔프폭이 같음) + 소아즈(다재다능)
-아마도 기존의 겜빗의 플레이스타일을 고수할 것으로 예상
-언어장벽이 있을 수도 있으나, 알렉스이치는 원래 영어로 곧잘 인터뷰했고, 에드워드 다이아몬드도 인터뷰에서 모국어를 선호할 뿐 영어를 꽤 하는 편이기에 걱정만큼 문제가 될지는 두고봐야함
-한국팀은 월챔준우승, 롤챔스 3연결승의 프로스트 멤버 2명과 KTB를 캐리하는 인섹 그리고 엠비션 프레이로 강력한 멤버보유
-다만 샤이 엠비션 인섹 모두 프리파밍을 좋아하는 선수들이기에 올스타에서는 누가 캐리를 맡느냐에 따라 완급조절을 해야할것
-한국팀 멤버 전원이 각자의 팀에서 플레이메이커 역활을 하는 선수들이기 때문에, 유럽팀을 상대로 초장부터 공격적으로 나가는 플레이를 볼 수 있을지도 모름.
-Jatt이 뽑은 유럽에 주목해야 할 선수 : 프나틱출신 탑 라이너 소아즈
-EG의 윅드와 1대1 탑대결을 하고 .01%의 근소한 차로 올라올걸 언급하나 최근 경기들이 스왑등등으로 인해 1대1 메치업의 중요도가 줄었고, 넓은 챔프폭이 유럽팀, 즉 겜빗팀에게 좋을거라함.
-Jatt이 뽑은 한국의 주목해야 할 선수 : CJ프로스트출신 서포터 매드라이프
-한국인들이 그를 '신'으로 추앙하는 것과 80%의 높은 득표율로 출전한걸 언급. 한국에서 가장 강력한 블리츠,쓰레쉬, 소나, 알리스타 플레이어라 소개하나, 새로운 원딜인 프레이와 호흡을 맞춰야 한다는걸 지적.


Posted by 가우너